Don’t ever expose the faults or weaknesses of another child of God. I believe that God Himself almost never wants to do it, although sometimes in very rare cases He might have to - but we can rest assured that He will not ask for our permission or input anyways. 
Besides, if we are strong in one area, it simply means that we are weak in another.
The Lord rebuked me a while back for emphasising some of my strengths too much and reminded me, that it is only because of Him that I have victory.
Love never holds anybody’s past mistakes against them, period. It doesn’t bring things up that have been repented of and that God forgave. 
Easier said than done? Is this just another quick fix with a few bible verses? Another preacher with a passion for truth but lacking sympathy telling you that you need to forgive but doesn’t understand what you have been going through? 

No, let me tell you, it is irrelevant if you think this is too hard (and your attitude might be precisely the real reason why you can’t see it work) - t h i s  i s  w h a t  t h e  W o r d  s a y s, and we need to bend our lives so that it fits the bible which is freedom, and not bend the bible so it fits our lives.

Above all continue to love one another fervently, for love throws a veil over a multitude of faults. (1. Petrus 4:8)

…Love keeps NO RECORD of wrongs. (1 Cor. 13:5)

Philipp J. Schmerold, March 2019