Heilungen & Berichte

Heilungen und Berichte Jänner 2022

Ich wollte mich noch ganz herzlich bei dir bedanken, dass du für mich gebetet hast, ich bin jetzt fast ganz gesund und die Entzündungswerte sind jetzt auch wieder im normalen Bereich zurückgegangen, ich danke dir ganz herzlich für dein Gebet. Ich hatte eine Lungenentzündung, komischerweise keine typischen Symptome dafür. Covid war es auch nicht, von da her war es ein bisschen komisch aber jetzt sind die Werte wieder normal, danke Gott und danke für die Gebete, das war sehr wichtig, vielen Dank
- C.

Ich hatte heute morgen ganz starke Krankheitssymptome, meine Ohren und Hals schmerzten, ich wollte deshalb eigentlich nicht in die Arbeit fahren, bin aber dann trotzdem einfach gefahren und hab mich ins Gebetsmeeting eingewählt - und während dem Meeting bin ich geheilt worden, hallelujah! - M. 

Tobi, unser Sohn (6 Jahre alt) sprang vom Fensterbrett und ist mit dem Schienbein gegen die Bettkante gestürzt. Er hatte sehr starke Schmerzen und konnte den Fuß überhaupt nicht mehr belasten. Gehen war unmöglich für ihn. Er selbst, wollte unbedingt ins Krankenhaus. Ich hatte gerade online ein Teammeeting und so ergab es sich, dass wir gemeinsam für Tobi beten konnten. Philipp gab ihm die Anweisung, den Bildschirm zu berühren und er bete für ihn. Wir sagten ihm, dass er mal versuchen sollte, aufzustehen. Tobi stand auf und ging so, also wäre nichts gewesen. Die Schmerzen waren weg. Er sagte, dass er die Kraft Gottes ganz stark gespürt hat. Halleluja! 😃💥 - S. 

Shalom, I believe you are well, my name is Uwimana Christella, I am the mother of one child, after birth my husband threw me in the house and went to another woman. I would like to thank God for the healing I received through Apostle Philipp from Austria, I attended his meeting and remember it was Friday evening here, I had a problem with my left ear, I did not feel well for 7 years, I tried to go to the hospital but I did not recover, but God is good through the prayers of his servant prayed for me I am healed, no more pain and I am completely healed. Uwimana Christella, Ngozi Church.

Praise be to the Lord Jesus, He is alive, my name is Niyonyishu Vanessa, I pray at the church of Porte de Brebis Chibitoke, I have received healing from my congenital diseases (Bleeding Diseases, I have been suffering from these diseases regularly and I have used all kinds of medicines. but I did not recover, and every time I was in my days, my stomach ached until I was admitted to the hospital. When Pst Philipp told us to put our hands where the pain was and I put it on my stomach, when he began to pray I felt a burning fire in my stomach, My days, but I did not have pain as before. The pain I have experienced is very small and not a problem, also in the past I was doing it for 7 days but this only made it 3 days and then I received healing through Apostle Pst Philipp from Austria, I am completely healed even my parents are completely amazed. Praise to the Lord Jesus.

Shalom Pastor Philipp, I am Sandrine Josiane, thank you for the prayer I am the one you had the word for, you said someon has a problem in the left ear, but I could not stand that day in the church of Chibitoke, I felt ashamed, because even my husband had seen it as impossible, because I have been prayed for by many pastors but the problem was still the same, but on the day you started praying, I heard things coming out of that ear and I went home and in the morning the pain was gone and from now on I am completely well. God bless you

Lord Jesus be praised forever, my name is Mwamini Zubeda I pray here Kamenge at PJC / REVIVAL CENTER, it was on a Sunday in a meeting and the Lord Jesus healed me, and I'm still doing very well. Occasionally every morning it hurt me, but from that day until today I am fine. God be praised.

The Lord Jesus be praised, I am called Bijoux, a singer in the Church of Revival Center here. In my body I had swelling in the stomach, I suffered with these diseases for since 7 years, doctors tried to help but pain was a regularly, but on Sunday the Pastor from abroad he began to pray for us, he said everyone put his faith in Jesus, I put my faith in Christ and I found my miracle, from Monday the swelling was gone and I went to the hospital and now I am well, Thank God He healed me.

Shalom, this is a testimony from Hope Radio. The radio that Pastor Philipp preached, This radio is here in Bujumbura is also heard in 3 other countries besides Burundi (Rwanda, Tanzania and Drcongo). My name is Aziza mlenda, I live in Uvira-Mulongwe, I would like to thank God for the prayers of Pastor Philipp preached through Hope Radio. He was praying, I have received healing power, he was in Burundi but I was in DrCongo the power of prayer came to me and I received healing. Praise and honor return to God. Amen

Hello Pastor, you do not know me, my name is Narcisse, I saw your picture with the white man on the street, I came to your church on the day of the meeting, I really thank God because through the sermon I received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life, now from that day I am free and I also have peace in my heart. I thank God for His salvation for me and I will never go back, keep praying for me. Bless you. 

Vielen Dank für Eure Gebete für meine Mama. Sie hat die OP gut überstanden und Jesus hat das Chaos und jede Angst von ihr entfernt. Danke für Eure Treue im Gebet
- J.

Ich wurde letztes Jahr von Migräne geheilt, nachdem Philipp ein Wort für mich hatte und über Zoom für mich gebetet hat. Es ist seitdem weg, Jesus hat mich geheilt, hallelujah! 

In unserem Hauskreis wurde jemand von Schulterschmerzen geheilt. Danke Jesus!
- E. 

Heute morgen während dem Gebetsmeeting habe ich in meinem Nackenbereich ein Knacken gespürt, während wir in der Freude des Herrn gehüpft und gesprungen sind - und es fühlt sich jetzt gut an - Preis sei dem Herrn!! 
- H.

Revival Center Burundi - Einsatz Jänner